I qualified from the College of Homeopathy in London after completing a five year course in human sciences, homeopathy and first aid year in children’s health and Iridology post graduate (study of the iris).
My homeopathic experience started when I was in my late twenties. I had recurring bronchitis over a period of two years that became very debilitating for me and annoying for my employer. I was offered the usual prescription drugs that would clear things for a short time. A homeopath was recommended to me by a friend and I have never looked back as I now rarely have any chest conditions.
Eight months later acne was another symptom that came along which was very interesting as the previous homeopath had said it may throw something onto the skin as the process of healing needs an outlet. Within 10 weeks this had been resolved and I have never really experienced any acne problems since. My health experience was my pathway to a beautiful system of medicine that made sense.
I have run the Willows Complimentary Health Centre in London for over 15 years and share my time practising in London and at the Daisy Clinic in Eastbourne.
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